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To control who can perform an action, a Privacy Policy is used.

The Default Privacy Policy is that any logged in user can perform the action. This doesn't work for all scenarios so naturally, this can be overriden and it's respected everywhere.

Create Action Example

For example, to specify who can create an event, it can be configured as follows:


export default class CreateEventAction extends CreateEventActionBase {
getPrivacyPolicy(): PrivacyPolicy<this> {
return {
rules: [
new AllowIfViewerEqualsRule(this.input.creatorID),

This specifies that the viewer is allowed to create the event assuming the viewerID is equal to the creatorID in the input.

Another way to do this specific scenario is to keep the default privacy policy and to use a validator to enforce this.

Edit Action Example

For example, to specify who can edit an event, it can be configured as follows:


export default class EditEventAction extends EditEventActionBase {
getPrivacyPolicy(): PrivacyPolicy<this> {
return {
rules: [new AllowIfViewerIsEntPropertyRule<Event>("creatorID"), AlwaysDenyRule],

This specifies that the viewer is allowed to edit the event assuming the viewerID is equal to the creatorID in the ent.

Delete Action Example

For example, to specify who can delete an event, it can be configured as follows:


export default class DeleteEventAction extends DeleteEventActionBase {
getPrivacyPolicy(): PrivacyPolicy {
return {
rules: [new AllowIfViewerIsEntPropertyRule<Event>("creatorID"), AlwaysDenyRule],

This specifies that the viewer is allowed to delete the event assuming the viewerID is equal to the creatorID in the ent.

Note that in this example, the policy to edit and delete is the same. Can be refactored into a common class that's shared especially if it's a complicated policy.


The interface for PrivacyPolicyRule is shown below again:

interface PrivacyPolicyRule {
apply(v: Viewer, ent?: Ent): Promise<PrivacyResult>;

For create actions, a non-privacy checked (unsafe) Ent is passed in as the ent parameter. This helps to simplify privacy policies that depend on properties of the ent.

For edit and delete actions, the existing ent is passed as the second parameter.