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The Schema is the core building block that's used to configure each node in the product.

Each unique object in the application should be represented by a schema item.

The schema of the application should be in src/schema relative to the root of the application. For every schema in that directory, the following norms are expected:

  • a TypeScript file in snake_case format e.g. user_schema.ts, event_schema.ts, pickup_location_schema.ts etc.
  • It should have a default export which is an object that implements the Schema interface. This is usually done by creating a new instance of EntSchema.
  • By convention, what's exported is the pascalCase version of the file e.g. UserSchema, EventSchema, and PickupLocationSchema respectively for the above files. Since it's a default export, the actual name doesn't matter but that's the current convention.

Schema interface

The Schema interface referenced above:

// Schema is the base for every schema in typescript
export default interface Schema {
// list of fields
fields: FieldMap;

// optional, can be overriden as needed
tableName?: string;

// reusable functionality in each schema
patterns?: Pattern[];

// edges in the schema
edges?: Edge[];
edgeGroups?: AssocEdgeGroup[];

actions?: Action[];

// treat the single primary key as enums
// (it's possible to have other values too..)
enumTable?: boolean;

// data that should be saved in the db for this table
dbRows?: { [key: string]: any }[];

// constraints applied to the schema e.g.
constraints?: Constraint[];

indices?: Index[];

// hide node from graphql
hideFromGraphQL?: boolean;

The only required field in the schema is fields.


Represents the schema items that are associated with this object. This usually maps 1:1 to a column in the database and a field in the GraphQL representation of this object.

For a deep dive into fields, you can learn more here.


Name of the table that should be generated in the database. If not overriden, it defaults to the pluralized version of the file e.g. users , events , or pickup_locations.


Patterns are shared objects for reusable concepts across schemas. E.g. there's a default Node pattern that adds id, createdAt and updatedAt fields to any schema.

For more on patterns, check out.


Allows configuring relationships between different schemas without using database integrity

For more on edges, visit.


Allows configuring groups of edges together.

For more on edge groups, visit.


Configures the types of writes that can be performed on this object. For a deep dive into actions, please visit.


Visit Enums to learn more.


Visit Enums to learn more. Can also be used without enums.


database constraints added to the table. Visit to learn more.


database indices added to the table. Visit to learn more.


hide this object from GraphQL. This automatically hides all related actions to it from GraphQL. It also hides all edges pointing to it since we can't return the object.


EntSchema is a class that uses a Pattern and adds 3 fields to the object:

  • id field of type uuid
  • createdAt field of type timestamp: timestamp without time zone in the database
  • updatedAt field of type timestamp: timestamp without time zone in the database.


EntSchemaWithTZ is a schema that uses a Pattern and adds 3 fields to the object:

  • id field of type uuid
  • createdAt field of type timestamptz: timestamp with time zone in the database
  • updatedAt field of type timestamptz: timestamp with time zone in the database.

We'll go into the differences and what's happening here at some point later.