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Clause is a predicate used in a WHERE clause.

Common ones

Framework comes with a few common ones:

  • Eq
export declare function Eq(col: string, value: any): simpleClause;

Eq takes a column name and value to be used to check for equality in the SQL query. Generates a partial query:

// postgres
col = $1

// sqlite
col = ?
  • Not Equal, like Eq above except the check is for values that are not equal.
  • Greater, like Eq above except the check is for values in row greater than value.
  • Less, like Eq above except the check is for values in row less than value.
  • GreaterEq, like Eq above except the check is for values in row greater than or equal to value.
  • LessEq, like Eq above except the check is for values in row less than or equal to value.
  • And
export declare function And(...args: Clause[]): compositeClause;

And takes one or more Clauses and combines them so that they all have to be true. It takes both simple clauses (Eq, Less) and complex (And, Or, In) ones.

Generates a partial query:

// postgres
col1 = $1 AND col2 = $2

// sqlite
col1 = ? AND col2 = ?
  • Or, like And above except it checks that any is true.

  • In, takes a column and one or more values to be used in an IN QUERY.

export declare function In(col: string, ...values: any): Clause;

Generates a partial query:

// postgres
col IN ($1, $2, $3)

// sqlite
col IN (?, ?, ?)


API is as follows:

interface Clause {
clause(idx: number): string;
values(): any[];
instanceKey(): string;
// values to log when querying
logValues(): any[];
  • clause: takes a positional argument starting with 1 and returns a string with the positional argument taken into consideration for dialects where it applies (Postgres). Current Dialect can be retrieved by calling DB.getDialect()
  • values: returns a list of one or more values that should be passed down to the prepared query
  • instanceKey: string used to cache Clause when primitive caching applies.
  • logValues: values to log if database query is being logged. Exists so that we don't log sensitive values such as passwords, social security numbers, etc.


sensitiveValue is a function provided by the framework when querying for sensitive values such as passwords, social security numbers, etc.

It passes the correct value to the database engine but ensures that a different value is logged if logging is enabled.