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Edit Action

This is done via the ActionOperation.Edit or ActionOperation.Mutations operation.

Based on the schema with the following extra configuration:

const EventSchema = new EntSchema({
actions: [
operation: ActionOperation.Edit,
export default EventSchema;

leads to 2 classes.

First, the base class:


export interface EventEditInput {
name?: string;
creatorID?: ID | Builder<User, Viewer>;
startTime?: Date;
endTime?: Date | null;
location?: string;

export class EditEventActionBase
EventBuilder<EventEditInput, Event>,
public readonly builder: EventBuilder<EventEditInput, Event>;
public readonly viewer: Viewer;
protected input: EventEditInput;
protected readonly event: Event;

constructor(viewer: Viewer, event: Event, input: EventEditInput) {
this.viewer = viewer;
this.input = input;
this.builder = new EventBuilder(this.viewer, WriteOperation.Edit, this, event);
this.event = event;

getPrivacyPolicy(): PrivacyPolicy {
return AllowIfViewerHasIdentityPrivacyPolicy;


and then the subclass:

import {
} from "src/ent/generated/event/actions/edit_event_action_base";

export { EventEditInput };

export default class EditEventAction extends EditEventActionBase {

The base class EditEventActionBase is where all shared functionality is and will be regenerated as the action configuration changes. It has the default privacy policy plus a bunch of other methods shown below.

The subclass will be generated once and any customizations can be applied there.

EventEditInput is an interface that indicates what the input for the action is. What's in there is determined by a combination of the fields in the schema and the fields property in the action.


  const event = await createEvent();

const input: EventEditInput = {
name: "funnest event",

// edits event and returns the newly edited event. throws if it can't be edited
const event2 = await EditEventAction.create(viewer, event, input).saveX();

// edit event and returns it. returns null if it can't be edited
const event3 = await EditEventAction.create(viewer, event, input).save();

// validates that the input is valid to edit said event. throws if invalid
const valid = await EditEventAction.create(viewer, event, input).validX();

// validates that the input is valid to edit said event. returns true or false
const valid2 = await EditEventAction.create(viewer, event, input).valid();


The following GraphQL schema is generated which uses the above API.

type Mutation {
eventEdit(input: EventEditInput!): EventEditPayload!

input EventEditInput {
eventID: ID!
name: String
creatorID: ID
startTime: Time
endTime: Time
eventLocation: String

type EventEditPayload {
event: Event!

type Event implements Node {
creator: User
id: ID!
name: String!
startTime: Time!
endTime: Time
eventLocation: String!

and called as follows:

mutation eventEditMutation($input: EventEditInput!) {
eventEdit(input: $input) {
event {
creator {


When editing an object, every field is optional and isn't required to be passed in. Only fields passed in will be changed. To set a nullable field to null , explicitly set it to null either via the API in TypeScript or GraphQL.

To explicitly make a field required in an action, use requiredField when configuring it.