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Patterns are shared objects for reusable concepts across schemas.

We generate mixins for Patterns to encourage code reuse except configured not to.

We have the following patterns that come with the framework:

  • Node: adds id, createdAt and updatedAt fields to any schema.
  • Timestamps: adds createdAt and updatedAt fields to any schema. used by Node

The fields on the Pattern are copied over onto the schema.

import { Timestamps, StringType, EntSchema, } from "@snowtop/ent/schema"; 
import { EmailType } from "@snowtop/ent-email";
import { PasswordType } from "@snowtop/ent-password";

const UserSchema = new EntSchema({
fields: {
Username: StringType({ primaryKey: true, minLen: 3, maxLen: 20 }).toLowerCase().trim(),
Name: StringType(),
EmailAddress: EmailType(),
Password: PasswordType(),

patterns: [Timestamps],
export default UserSchema;

For example, in the above schema, we reuse the Timestamps pattern and add a new primaryKey on the table: username.

import { Pattern, TimestampType } from "@snowtop/ent/schema";

export const DeletedAt: Pattern = {
name = 'deleted_at';

fields = {
deletedAt: TimestampType({ nullable: true }),

Or above, we add a naive DeletedAt pattern which has a timestamp flag to indicate when an object was soft-deleted with no current thought as to how the soft deletion is performed.

soft deletion

The framework does come with a pattern which does implement soft deletion minimally via implict deletion.

It uses a deleted_at column which is null by default.

It transforms reads to check that the deleted_at column isn't null.

It transforms DELETE statements to UPDATE ones which updates the deleted_at column to the lates time.

It also provies the ability to explicitly override this behavior so that we can actually delete or load the underlying data even if deleted.

This is available in the @snowtop/ent-soft-delete npm package. Code is available on Github and provides an example of what can be done with complex Patterns.


The API for Pattern looks like:

interface UpdateOperation<T extends Ent> {
op: SQLStatementOperation;
existingEnt: T | null;
viewer: Viewer;
data?: Map<string, any>;

interface TransformedUpdateOperation<T extends Ent> {
op: SQLStatementOperation;
data?: Data;
existingEnt?: T | null;

export interface Pattern {
name: string;
fields: FieldMap | Field[];
disableMixin?: boolean;
edges?: Edge[];
transformRead?: () => Clause;
transformWrite?: <T extends Ent>(stmt: UpdateOperation<T>) => TransformedUpdateOperation<T> | null;
transformsDelete?: boolean;
transformsInsert?: boolean;
transformsUpdate?: boolean;