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There's both codegen and runtime configuration of the ent framework.


codegen can be configured in a yml file in order of precedence (from the root of the project):

  • a ent.yml file
  • a src/ent.yml file
  • a src/graphql/ent.yml file

The root of codegen configuration is the codegen key in the file.

The following properties can be configured:

  • defaultEntPolicy configures the Privacy Policy in base class of generated Ents. Overrides the default privacy policy. See PrivacyConfig for the expected format.
  • defaultActionPolicy configures the Privacy Policy in base class of generated Actions. Overrides the default privacy policy. See PrivacyConfig for the expected format.
  • prettier configures prettier. We currently use prettier to format the entire codebase after codegen to ensure a consistent format in the generated files. If you already have a prettier configuration or want to override the glob passed to prettier (default is src/ent/**/*.ts), use this option. See PrettierConfig for the expected format.
  • relativeImports configures where to use relative imports in generated files instead of src/ent/user etc. needed for legacy scenarios or situations where the custom compiler has issues.
  • disableGraphQLRoot: the default graphql root is src/graphql/index.ts. if integrating into an existing project (with an existing root) or just want to do something different, set this to true
  • generatedHeader: add header to each generated file in addition to "Generated by, DO NOT EDIT."
  • disableBase64Encoding: disable base64encoding of id fields. When set to true, id fields aren't resolved with nodeIDEncoder and the actual uuid or integer is sent to the client
  • generateRootResolvers: for each type exposed to GraphQL instead of node(). Should be used in combination with
  • defaultGraphQLMutationName: default names for graphql actions|mutations is nounVerb e.g. userCreate. If you wanna change it to verbNoun e.g. createUser, set this field to VERB_NOUN
  • defaultGraphQLFieldFormat: default format for fields is lowerCamelCase e.g. firstName. If you wanna change it to snake_case e.g. first_name, set this field to snake_case
  • schemaSQLFilePath: if we should generate schema.sql file and path to generate it
  • globalImportPath: path to add to src/ent/internal.ts so that it's included everywhere. Where things like global augmentation can be done
  • userOverridenFiles: list of files to not override during codegen i.e. because there's a bug in codegen and the user has decided to override it.
  • transformLoadMethod: if set, overrides the loadNoTransform(X) methods to be this instead of the default loadNoTransform(X)
  • transformDeleteMethod: if set, overrides the saveWithoutTransform(X) methods to be this instead of the default saveWithoutTransform(X)
  • disableDefaultExportForActions: by default, actions are exported with export default. This changes that to named defaults.


Following fields supported:

  • policyName (string. required). name of default privacy policy
  • path (string. required). path to import to get the policy
  • class (boolean. optional). indicates if the policy is a class as opposed to a constant.


Following fields supported:

  • custom (boolean. optional). indicates there's already a custom prettier configuration that should be used. Depends on prettier finding the configuration
  • glob (string. optional). glob to pass to prettier instead of default src/ent/**/*.ts


Because there could be so many possible entrypoints into the framework e.g. GraphQL endpoint, REST API endpoint, tests, migration script, etc, there's no way to automatically configure runtime behavior so it has to be done manually via calling loadConfig.


loadConfig takes an optional file, Buffer or Config. If nothing is passed, it assumes local ent.yml file, if string is passed, it assumes yml file and attempts to read and parse it.

loadConfig(file?: string | Buffer | Config): void;

type logType = "query" | "warn" | "info" | "error" | "debug";

export interface Database {
database?: string;
user?: string;
password?: string;
host?: string;
port?: number;
ssl?: boolean;
sslmode?: string;

export type env = "production" | "test" | "development";
export declare type DBDict = Partial<Record<env, Database>>;

export interface Config {
dbConnectionString?: string; // raw db connection string
dbFile?: string; // config/database.yml is default
db?: Database | DBDict;
log?: logType | logType[]; // logging levels.

// config for codegen. not relevant when loadConfig is called but have it here for posterity
codegen?: CodegenConfig;

interface CodegenConfig {
defaultEntPolicy?: PrivacyConfig;
defaultActionPolicy?: PrivacyConfig;
prettier?: PrettierConfig;

interface PrettierConfig {
custom?: boolean;
// default glob is 'src/**/*.ts', can override this
glob?: string;

interface PrivacyConfig {
path: string; // e.g. "@snowtop/ent"
policyName: string; // e.g. "AlwaysAllowPrivacyPolicy";
class?: boolean;


- query
- error
- warn
- info
path: "@snowtop/ent"
policyName: "AlwaysAllowPrivacyPolicy"
path: '@snowtop/ent'
policyName: 'AlwaysAllowPrivacyPolicy'
custom: true